High Power Laser Module (Grande Series)

The Grande laser provides up to 20 Watts of optical power for demanding applications that require high output powers. Controlled by an internal micro-processor, the design features an LCD display, which provides users safety status as well as real time information on power current settings and internal temperature. Drive current and bias settings are user controllable with 12 bits of resolution (4096 steps). The Grande features passive cooling for the circuitry and laser. Input to the module is typically 5 VDC, while blue and green lasers require 8VDC.

Product NameColorWavelength (nm)PowerPower UnitsDefault Optical ConfigurationPricehf:att:pa_colorhf:att:pa_wavelength-nmhf:att:pa_powerhf:att:pa_operating-voltage
532nm High Powered Laser, Grande Power Technology Inc
Grande0.9(532-1)Green532900mWCollimatedContact Usgreen5329008
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande2(639-2)G50Red6391.48WCollimatedContact Usred6391-485
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande0.7(635-0.7)G50Red635650mWCollimatedContact Usred6356505
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande1(515-0.9)Green5151WCollimatedContact Usgreen51518
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande10(808-10)G53Infrared80810WCollimatedContact Usinfrared808105
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande10(980-10)G53Infrared98010WCollimatedContact Usinfrared980105
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande1(915-10)G53Infrared91510WCollimatedContact Usinfrared915105
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande3(450-3)Blue4503WCollimatedContact Usblue45038
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande5(980-5)G53Infrared9805WCollimatedContact Usinfrared98055
Grande Laser Module High Power
Grande5(915-5)G53Infrared9155WCollimatedContact Usinfrared91555